ZAPNI / VYPNI jedným tlačítkom
Po prehladávaní internetu som narazil na schému ovládania jedným tlačítkom. Pôvodne to bolo určené na spínanie LEDky, ale po menšej úprave to dokáže aj väčšie zaťaženie.
Schéma bola zrealizovaná na nepájivom kontaktnom poli (Breadboard), alebo univerzálnej doske. Pôvodné zapojenie čo tam je nieje overené, staval som to podla schémy.
Môžem povedať, že to funguje vynikajúco, pokial viete ako tak sa dá spínať aj väčšie záťaže (motory, žiarovky poprípade malé lampičky).
Odber zariadenia pri LEDke je 0.01 A. Pri motorčeku (3V z CD mechaniky) asi 0.06 - 0.1 A
Obr 1. - Schéma zapojenia
Obr 2. - Zapojené ...
Obr 3. - ... a aj funkčné :)
Ak by ste chceli vedieť ako ten motor, tak miesto LEDky pripojíte tranzistor. Báza k rezistoru, Emitor ide do + (9V) a kolektor sa pripojí k + motoru.
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Prehľad komentárov
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Personality Perspective
JanetikAnarf,28. 3. 2022 22:53
Each generation regards itself as completely different from the previous one, although in the end it turns out to be almost the same.
When I look at my own life, I see that I have often made mistakes.
It will be the same with you at my age. Live and make mistakes. This is the meaning of existence.
Do not argue that you can be perfect - it is unattainable.
Temper yourself, your character, so that when the test comes, you can meet him like a real man.
Do not let yourself be deceived by pathos truths and ringing phrases.
Travel countries, explore the world, meet people, do something that interests you, fall in love, do stupid things, but do it with passion.
The most important thing is to live life with taste.
There is probably more than one life waiting for all of us. But to get them, you need to exhaust this life to the end. Take everything you can from life.
Beware of colorless fate.
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personal happiness
RachellMix,28. 3. 2022 1:13
Recommendations from old people to young people are not only a waste of time, but also insolence .
Each generation sees itself as completely different from the previous one, although in the end it turns out to be almost the same.
If I look back on my life, I believe that I was constantly wrong.
The same will happen to you when you grow up. Enjoy life and make mistakes. This is life.
Don't think you can be perfect - it's not real.
Temper yourself, your qualities, so that when the test comes, you find the strength to meet him like a real man.
Do not allow yourself to be deceived by obvious facts and noisy phrases.
Travel, explore the world, meet people, work on something that excites you, fall in love, be daring but do it with passion.
The most valuable thing is to live life vividly.
There is probably more than one life waiting for us. But to get them, you need to spend this life to the end. Take everything you can from life.
Fear colorless fate.
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Frenchmxjf,23. 3. 2022 13:40But whаt I've discovered оvеr time is that sоme of the wisеst реoрlе I knоw hаvе also bееn sоmе оf thе most brоken реoplе.
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Prosím, pomôžte mi, ak máte dosť peňazí pre seba.
Utratím tieto peniaze za jedlo pre seba a pre našu statočnú armádu.
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