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ZAPNI / VYPNI jedným tlačítkom

24. 2. 2014

Po prehladávaní internetu som narazil na schému ovládania jedným tlačítkom. Pôvodne  to bolo určené na spínanie LEDky, ale po menšej úprave to dokáže aj väčšie zaťaženie.

Schéma bola zrealizovaná na nepájivom kontaktnom poli (Breadboard), alebo univerzálnej doske. Pôvodné zapojenie čo tam je nieje overené, staval som to podla schémy.

Môžem povedať, že to funguje vynikajúco, pokial viete ako tak sa dá spínať aj väčšie záťaže (motory, žiarovky poprípade malé lampičky).

Odber zariadenia pri LEDke je 0.01 A. Pri motorčeku (3V z CD mechaniky) asi 0.06 - 0.1 A





Obr 1. - Schéma zapojenia



Obr 2. - Zapojené ...




Obr 3. - ... a aj funkčné :)


Ak by ste chceli vedieť ako ten motor, tak miesto LEDky pripojíte tranzistor. Báza k rezistoru, Emitor ide do + (9V) a kolektor sa pripojí k + motoru.


Zapojenie z :










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Michaelfrild,22. 3. 2018 5:12

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XEvil 4.0 break 99% types of captcha

LatonyaCum,26. 2. 2018 3:49

This message is posted here using XRumer + XEvil 4.0

XEvil 4.0 is a revolutionary application that can break almost any anti-bot CAPTCHA's.
Captcha Recognition Google (ReCaptcha-1, ReCaptcha-2), Facebook, BING, Hotmail, Yahoo,
Yandex, VKontakte, Captcha Com - and over 8400 other types!

You read this - it means it works! ;)
Details on the official website of XEvil, there is a free demo version.

Check YouTube video "XEvil ReCaptcha2"

Free XEvil Demo can solve 99% types of captchas

MashaPiolf,24. 12. 2017 2:18

This message is posted here using XRumer + XEvil 4.0

XEvil 4.0 is a revolutionary application that can solve almost any antibot captcha.
Captcha Bypass Google (ReCaptcha-1, ReCaptcha-2), Facebook, BING, Hotmail, Yahoo,
Yandex, VKontakte, Captcha Com - and over 8.4 million other types!

You read this - it means it works! ;)
Details on the official website of XEvil.Net, there is a free demo version.

Check YouTube video "XEvil ReCaptcha2"

XEvil is decoding 99% types of captchas

MashaPiolf,12. 12. 2017 19:48

This message is posted here using XRumer + XEvil 4.0

XEvil 4.0 is a revolutionary application that can solve any antibot captcha.
Captcha Recognition Google (ReCaptcha-1, ReCaptcha-2), Facebook, BING, Hotmail, Yahoo,
Yandex, VKontakte, Captcha Com - and over 8.4 million other types!

You read this - it means it works! ;)
Details on the official website of XEvil.Net, there is a free demo version.

Check YouTube video "XEvil ReCaptcha2"

All internet will be CRASHED with XEvil!?

MashaPiolf,12. 12. 2017 19:20

This message is posted here using XRumer + XEvil 4.0

XEvil 4.0 is a revolutionary application that can solve almost any antibot CAPTCHA's.
Captcha Solution Google (ReCaptcha-1, ReCaptcha-2), Facebook, BING, Hotmail, Yahoo,
Yandex, VKontakte, Captcha Com - and over 8.4 million other types!

You read this - it means it works! ;)
Details on the official website of XEvil.Net, there is a free demo version.

Check YouTube video "XEvil ReCaptcha2"

XEvil 4.0 solve 99% types of captcha

MashaPiolf,11. 12. 2017 17:47

This message is posted here using XRumer + XEvil 4.0

XEvil 4.0 is a revolutionary application that can bypass almost any anti-botnet protection.
Captcha Recognition Google (ReCaptcha-1, ReCaptcha-2), Facebook, BING, Hotmail, Yahoo,
Yandex, VKontakte, Captcha Com - and over 8.4 million other types!

You read this - it means it works! ;)
Details on the official website of XEvil.Net, there is a free demo version.

Check YouTube video "XEvil ReCaptcha2"

XEvil can break 99% types of captcha

Juliezemesk,27. 11. 2017 17:09

This message is posted here using XRumer + XEvil 4.0
XEvil 4.0 is a revolutionary application that can bypass almost any anti-botnet protection.
Captcha Recognition Google (ReCaptcha-1, ReCaptcha-2), Facebook, Yandex, VKontakte, Captcha Com and over 8.4 million other types!
You read this - it means it works! ;)
Details on the official website of XEvil.Net, there is a free demo version.